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Build a result-oriented digital marketing campaign in 10 steps | iOPEX - Blogs


Build a result-oriented digital marketing campaign in 10 steps | iOPEX

Digital marketing has become a big part of marketing strategies in modern and growing businesses. Implementing digital advertisements correctly can result in a significant increase in the company’s online presence and visibility throughout a much wider audience that fosters higher conversions and sales.

For a digital marketing campaign to work for you, all its elements – its design, channel and messaging must be set right. Following is a ten-step process to follow to help your organization get the digital advertising results you are looking for:

  1. Goal defining - Decide your main goal for running the specific digital marketing campaign. It could be focused on brand awareness, follower growth, lead generation, or conversions.
  2. Defining target market – Create a well-defined audience by identifying your niche market. You can also run analytics on your existing website to determine the shopper’s profile.
  3. Persona development – Use the identified shopper’s profile to create a buyer’s persona for your brand. Include details such as buyer’s age, occupation, income, purchase preferences, etc.
  4. Defining budget & selecting advertising channels – Set your budget based on how much revenue you want to generate and choose a combination of social media channels most often used by your consumers.
  5. Keyword research – Compile a list of keywords that define your business that customers are most likely to use to search for your business type which you can then use to run Google Ads (PPC) or optimize your website for search engines (SEO). 
  6. Setting up social media platform ads – Use your social media business account to create engaging advertisements that resonate with your audience.
  7. Managing social media profiles – Monitor and increase your follower growth and manage your reputation through management of your social media profile handling
  8. Strategize for your email marketing – Use your social media to collect emails addresses of the interested audiences to send out news and special offers. You can also use automation to welcome users, remind them that they have left something in their cart, update them on their purchases, etc.
  9. Setting up remarketing - Capture lost sales by targeting potential customers who browse your products but do not make a purchase using social media ads, Google Ads, and emails.
  10. Strategize your blogs – Craft relevant content in the form of blogs to help with SEO and increase your customer engagement.


Building a result-oriented digital marketing campaign requires innovative and effective ways to create and implement digital ads. iOPEX is a thought-leader in creating and managing digital advertisements and can help you stand out with your brand in a dynamic and competitive market environment using highly targeted digital paid campaigns that deliver incredible brand value, speed, influence, impact, and revenue uplift.

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