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System Landscape Reinvented: Support & Maintenance Unleashed - Blogs


System Landscape Reinvented: Support & Maintenance Unleashed

Technology is continuously transforming how businesses operate and stay competitive. To keep pace, organizations must be proactive in adopting technology to manage dynamically changing customer expectations, smarter products, mergers and acquisitions, new consumptions, improved channels, and the impact of digitization.

Coupled with the above, the shrinking IT budgets have thrown new challenges at organizations since they need to balance monitoring defects while also reducing the effort required to manage applications.

Improving efficiency through partnerships

This is where partnering with experts is critical. For an organization to succeed, there is a need to evaluate novel approaches to arrive at solutions for increasing efficiency and improving value in application support operations with changing business processes. There is also the need for improving the cycle time of processes and creating a service-oriented culture in application support operations. Businesses also need answers to how they can reduce operating costs to drive self-funded IT transformation initiatives while also improving the quality of experiences for their business users.

Such a partnership that offers application support and maintenance to organizations results in improved efficiency focused on continuous innovation and accelerated operational practices to drive a reduction in operational costs. Partners which leverage lean and automation strategies enhance operational efficiency by focusing on driving disruptive incident reduction and improving mean time to resolve.

The way to bring in efficiency is to approach ‘Process as a Service’. Proactive business process monitoring, and failure point assessment techniques can be used to orchestrate end-to-end workflows for business areas that will deliver additional improvements in business performance and measurable impact on revenues.


The latest in application support and maintenance involves incorporating Machine Learning with organizational knowledge to drive automation and innovation to enable the enterprise to continuously reinvent system landscapes and achieve IT goals aligned to business needs and push the envelope beyond cost and quality.

iOPEX focuses on the stabilization and optimization of your applications through a lean application maintenance and support framework for effective business function during your digital evolution. We reduce TCO on software systems by driving continuous shift-left strategies on improvements to optimize resolution steps through reliable incident and problem management framework.

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